这篇文章分四个模块, 1、作者首先简要介绍了历史和文化背景下的记忆的概念; 2、之后详细的描述了一个记忆系统模型,其中文化元素构成并调节记忆的各种过程(memory repr...
这篇文章分四个模块, 1、作者首先简要介绍了历史和文化背景下的记忆的概念; 2、之后详细的描述了一个记忆系统模型,其中文化元素构成并调节记忆的各种过程(memory repr...
Flanagan JR, Beltzner MA (2000) Independence of perceptual and sensorimotor predictions...
1、 Gordon, A. M., Westling, G., Cole, K. J. & Johansson, R. S. Memory representations u...
Vaswani, A., Shazeer, N., Parmar, N., Uszkoreit, J., Jones, L., Gomez, A. N., ... & Pol...
The Role of T op-Down and Bottom-Up Mechanisms in the Maintenance of the Self-Concept: ...
Smith, J. D., Boomer, J., Zakrzewski, A. C., Roeder, J. L., Church, B. A., & Ashby, F. ...
2019, Spicer, Sanborn, What does the mind learn ?A comparison of human and machine lear...