两者的本质区别 1. 核心用户不一样 抖音以1.2线城市年轻人为主,快手则是下沉,以2.3.4线城市,小镇青年为主。 不同阶层,都有各自沉淀的语言和文化,在生活状态、行为习惯...
1.慕课网 慕课网-程序员的梦工厂 本人主要学习网站,课程全部免费而且视频比较新,有课程计划和在线编程。 2.极客学院 极客学院IT在线教育平台-中国专业的IT职业在线教育平...
今天跟大家分享几个比较实用的网站,跟着郑少不仅能学到PPT知识,一些好玩又实用的知识也会全部分享给大家。 今天介绍6个网站,能为你工作以及检索上解决很大的问题,同时也能加强你...
作为一名IT行业的大学生,每天都要用数不清的时间跟电脑做伴,也浏览了很多有趣的网页。结合某乎上众位大佬的分析与我自己的感受,2018年,我给大学生推荐这八个网站。 1.虎嗅 ...
I think you can learn English well. As a self-taught English learner, I can share with you my English learning ways. I have watched more than 200 English movies and then I tried to talk with international friends wherever I can see them. One day, I suddenly found that I could do this easily.
But the way is not the most important, the motivation is. I have to learn English because I know English is my way of making a living, therefore if I don't master it, I will starve and die. Therefore, I don't have a choice but to master it.
I shared my way of learning English, I hope you can master this international language as well.
Sum it up.
First, ask yourself, why you must master English.
Second, just imitate the English movies you watch. That is it.
Hope you all the best!
注:想快速提高PPT技能,欢迎订阅【职场PPT速成指南】 要想不断的提升个人的能力,让自己强大起来。 唯一的办法就是不断的自我学习,然后再不断的输出,最后自我复盘,总结经验。...