The UK is incredibly diverse in terms of accents and it just so happens that I can do m...

The UK is incredibly diverse in terms of accents and it just so happens that I can do m...
King George VI Speech 英国国王乔治六世演讲 The King’s Speech 国王的演讲 In this grave hour, perhaps th...
What is your greatest strength? My greatest strength is my eyesight. I have 20/16 visio...
理查德·费曼是一位先驱理论物理学家,曾获得量子电动力学诺贝尔奖。他有个很出名的事迹,那就是挑战数学研究同行,用最简洁的语言解释某个概念,以测试他们的理解程度。 费曼学习法能帮...
As I said before, this Harvard model of negotiation is based on four principles. So the...
现代社会工作节奏的加快,工作时间的拉长,不断地在挤压大家的生活时间,导致亚健康的人越来越多。 工作之余的我们,也越来越注重保养自己的身体。比如,很多人会保证自己每天走到一万步...
Number one is an informal one, it's, "I'm not going to lie," "I'm not gonna lie" or, so...
Today we're going to go over my top 5 tips for learning English with movies and TV. Man...
Today we're going to go over my top 5 tips for learning English with movies and TV. Man...
Welcome back to English with Lucy. Today I have a spoken English class for you, I have ...
@05c7de56c905 尴尬了,居然还有学生潜伏在此看😄
【转发】拯救哑巴英语!英国小姐姐分享进阶术。国人学英语,貌似从来都是一件既疯狂又尴尬的事情。疯狂之处在于学习热情高涨,人数众多。 而尴尬则是因为成果有时难以与付出成正比。尽管从小开始学英语,但真正能流利说英语的人少之又...