CATELYN 59 凯特琳 As the host trooped down the causeway through the black bogs of the Neck...
CATELYN 59 凯特琳 As the host trooped down the causeway through the black bogs of the Neck...
TYRION 56 提利昂 Chella daughter of Cheyk of the Black Ears had gone ahead to scout, and i...
三个月后 黄昏,布拉佛斯。 船一靠岸,艾丽娅便迫不及待地跳上码头。身后又传来船长对她大声喊着祝天长夜爽之类的恭维,并要她回去一定还在再坐他的船。真是够了!她头...
楔子: 剑在石上,战士怀抱于心。 龙游弋山巅,烈火燃烧天空大地。 寒风中的阴谋,驰骋在晨雾里,跳动颤抖。 远方的号角吹奏,白骨与厮杀的舞曲。 赤红之血,流向死亡的华丽。 你要...