Expressions 1, It only took a few minutes or a few days before I was all over him: kiss...
Expressions 1, It only took a few minutes or a few days before I was all over him: kiss...
PART 1 Thoughts 昨天看到一个记载在《阅微草堂笔记》里的关于清代名臣李卫的故事觉得很有意思。故事说的是李卫还没做官的时候,一次渡江遇到一位道人。舟行一半,江上狂...
PART 1 Sentences 1. West Lake was to Hangchow as the eyes to a beauty's face. 2. Su Tun...
PART 1 Core Question Why did Su Tungpo want to get out of power? Su Tungpo was in a qua...
PART 1 Core Question What is the art of Chinese painting? At the outset, Chinese painti...
PART 1 Core Question Was Su Tungpo adapted to the life in the capital? Yes. Express Dow...
PART 1 Writing Yuen Ren Chao, better known as YR. Chao, was hard, if not impossible, to...
我用了一个周末的时间看完了这本84 Charing Cross Road。读这本书的大多数时间我坐在家里的阳台上晒着太阳。此刻也是如此,中午的阳光暖暖的,而窗外很安静,偶尔有...
PART 1 Thoughts 昨天和一个外教聊天,提起了这本书。外教说这本书的名字起的很好,外教的原话是这么说的:" A happy genius, sounds inte...