视频:0bunit 5 牙一之捏泥巴 小花猫钓小鱼 音频:无 游戏 Handy dandy. 晚上带宝贝出去散步,看他手里有他最爱的健达巧克力,用这个引导他做游戏 M:Hon...

视频:0bunit 5 牙一之捏泥巴 小花猫钓小鱼 音频:无 游戏 Handy dandy. 晚上带宝贝出去散步,看他手里有他最爱的健达巧克力,用这个引导他做游戏 M:Hon...
视频:0b unit5 牙一之拧麻花 音频:0b unit5 Game:Handy dandy. M:Look, what's this. B:Candy. M:Yes, l...
视频:0b unit3 牙牙之贴饼子 Field trip:Catch Bugs. After dinner we went out to find different ba...
视频:0b unit3 牙牙拍饼子 音频:0b unit3 Game:Different Bug. M:Honey do you want to learn more abo...
视频:0b unit3 0aunit7--9 音频: 0b unit3 Game1: Big bad bug. M:I'm The mummy kangaroo.i'm co...
视频:0b unit2 牙牙小花猫钓小鱼 音频:0b unit1--2 Game1:Merry go round. M:Honey i'm the merry go roun...
视频:0b unit2& 牙牙 小花猫钓小鱼 Game1:Merry go round. M: Honey, do you want to play a game. B:Ye...
视频:0b unit2 牙牙小花猫钓小鱼 音频:牙牙第一单元到第七单元 Game1:Zoom zoom zoom. M:Honey where do you want to ...
视频:0b unit1 Game.1:Getting dressed. M:Honey wake up, where will go out to play today. N...
视频:0b unit1 牙牙卷白菜 Game:Jack in the box. M:Honey look what's this. A box. What's in the...
视频:0b unit1 牙牙卷白菜 音频:无 Came:Jack in the box. M:Honey let's play a game. B:Okay. M:Could...
视频:0a unit12 音频:0a unit1--12 Game1:Draw fruits. M:Honey, Let's draw different fruits ok...
视频:0a unit12Happy new year. 音频:0a unit10--12 Game: Different color M:seven ,look here i...
1 我有一个朋友,可能是我见过最不为打折疯狂的女人,不管是双十一、还是商场满眼的sale牌子,都不为之所动,悠悠的挑好自己想要的那件东西,淡定的看着我们满商场的嗨购。 碰到特...
视频:0a unit6--12 音频: 0a unit1--4 Game: buy a lollipop. M:I'm a mummy kangaroo, there are...
视频:0a unit11 音频:0a unit1--6 Game.:Hop hop hop. M:Honey do you know who else animal can ...
视频:清英0a unit10--11 音频:清英0a unit10--11 Game:Take a nap. M:Honey let's play an interestin...
今天想聊得是一位逆龄生长的姑娘 她年近40却像16岁的少女 有欲望肯行动的姑娘 不怕做不到自己想做的事。 有一颗独立自信少女心的姑娘, 才能把生活过得热气腾腾。 她叫萧潇,是...
视频:清英0a unit11 Little squirrel. 牙牙第七单元 跳花墙 音频:That's Kangaroo have a mother too....
视频:清英0a unit9Zoom zoom zoom. 音频:清英0a 1--9 Game 1:I can fly. M:Look honey, I have two fa...