A recent study shows that children aged between 7 and 11 spend too much time watching T...
A recent study shows that children aged between 7 and 11 spend too much time watching T...
这篇文章已经在简书里面呆了很久了,再不写出来估计就没有机会了,现在驾照都已经到手快2个月了。至于科目二的失败或者成功,当时那些强烈的感受都已经被时间稀释了。 依旧还是要记录下...
Question:In many countries, the proportion of older people is steadily increasing.Does ...
Think about the essay title from this week: “Discuss the differences between the way of...
冉冉-用30天的坚持遇见更好的自己很多事都是知易行难,古人如此慨叹,被资讯泡大的现代人更是深知其苦。 都知道早睡早起身体好,但往往一到夜晚就犯睡觉拖延症,以至没有勇气上床,也没有力气起床; 都知道反省自我的诸...