演讲文本:第一、二段: I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the gr...
演讲文本:第一、二段: I am happy to join with you today in what will go down in history as the gr...
生活中为什么那么多不如意?我们为什么总是那么焦虑?社交媒体上的各种晒,让我们自觉不自觉地“和别人比”, 结果是越比越焦虑,越比越觉得自己差劲。 Our crisis is n...
读"The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck"这书,感觉就像是“专门”给我写的,枪枪都击中要害,令我无处躲闪。有这样一本书在这个阶段出现在我的视...
I. Words and express 1. A vivid personality is always an enigma. There had to be one Su...
一大早读完了这本书,笔记却不知从何写起。姑且来说说当我看到下面这段话的感想吧。 练习作文,一不要怕模仿,二不要怕修改。多修改,思致愈深入,下笔愈稳妥。自己能看出自己的毛病才算...
一 words and expressions 1.Innocent and honest, such poems of protest against the govern...
导读问题 This chapter tells us Su Tungpo's life, from his birth to death. The author thinks...
Words 1.advent Before the advent of computers it wasn't needed; now it is. the advent o...