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  • 【荐】英语类微信公众账号

    学习英语之前总是信誓旦旦的,学起来就开始抱怨了。 大家都懂得:这不是我懒,是方法不好 今天给大家推荐几个英语学习相关的公众账号: 1、兴趣类:当然还有什么TED一类的兴趣类,...

It's one of the only words in the English language with the ability to make you feel stupid every time you try to write or type it. It's a derived slang word that's used to describe something stupid, or crazy, but nowadays anything in style or cool. Yellow on the outside, and "off-white" inside - that's right, we're bananas and we're proud of it.