Once upon a time there was a child ready to be born. So one day he asked God, "They...
扬州进入最冷的寒冬,也即将迎来回暖,正如我现在落在谷底,不管往哪走都是上升。 遇事真的很锻炼人啊,不畏将来,不念过往,不为尚未发生的事情焦虑,不为做过的事情而悔恨。 yest...
- 看书: 2023年:今年看了《认知觉醒》《刻意练习》这两本工具类的书,突然对我很有启发。原来看书的时候,不是娱乐就是当实用工具(比如,育儿知识)。现在看书,不管读的多少本...
人的欲望是无穷的,我从来都不避讳阐明自己的缺点。 因为写短篇写累了,每次构思很久,一周也就努努力能写上几篇,这么一想,还是添加些别的好。 但说实话,我又感觉除了写短篇外,在写...
看自己一年以来读过的书就和自己的生活日记一样。 这段时间经历了什么,喜欢拿什么书来读,书中的什么地方让我更加触动,我因为这本书发生了什么改变。。我读过的书都有帮我记下。 首先...
哈哈 的确没有!你可以自由发挥一下!
流利说 level 7- 口语课- 你怎么看Your Turn This time we listened to a fashion expert discuss how she treats outfit shopp...
Your Turn This time we listened to an amazing speaker discuss how she used classic MBA ...
Intro Don’t you think photography and traveling make an interesting topic? You don’t ha...
To illuminate: is to shine light on something. She needs a candle to illuminate the dar...
In This Unit, You Will Watch a TED Talk on photography while traveling. Listen to a dis...
Your Turn Up to this point, we’ve heard about the benefits of minimalism from an advoca...
Plenty of people are excited by getting new stuff, but others are motivated by lived ex...