Wording This text is particularly accurate in using words. Let's take adjectives as an ...

Wording This text is particularly accurate in using words. Let's take adjectives as an ...
The interesting question now arises as to what strategy a graduate student can use to m...
The ideal companion machine一the computer一would not only look, feel and sound friendly b...
八岁偷照镜,长眉已能画。十岁去踏青,芙蓉作裙衩。十二学弹筝,银甲不曾卸。十四藏六亲,悬知犹未嫁。十五泣春风,背面秋千下。--无题 (李商隐) People are alway...
If music be the food of love, play on.--William Shakespear如果音乐是爱情的食粮,请继续演奏吧。 1. When th...
练习题: 21这就是近年来亚洲人口的增长率。(注意介词+关系代词引导定语从句) That is the rate ___________ which the populati...
古文人着逢掖之衣,戴章甫之冠,是讲究人。而一般小民穿襦袴而已。服装区分阶级,并体现人与人的差别。英语中服装词也不少,区别不容易,总结如下: Dress 是指男女的外衣,有时特...