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    英语流利说商务英语-Level6-Unit2-Part1 CSR Terminology

    目前商务6已经全部有,包括练习,连对话也一句句听写出来了。 Level6-Unit2-Part1 CSR Terminology Corporate social respo...

  • 120
    英语流利说商务英语-Level6-Unit1-Part1 Income Statement

    Income statement. An income statement shows changes in a business’s revenues and expens...

  • 英语流利说商务英语-Level6-Unit1-Part1 Balance sheet

    Balance sheet Balance sheet. The balance sheet shows what a company owns, what it owes,...

  • 120
    英语流利说商务英语-Level6-Unit1-Part1 Financial Statements

    Definition of financial statements. Financial statements report information ona busines...

  • 英语流利说商务英语-Level4-Unit1-Part1 Creating a PPT

    Brainstormmain points. Before you actually create a PPT,you should brainstorm your main...