原创 By Declan W. 这是一篇花了大量时间用心写完的精读笔记,有点长但是值得一读,为了做到中英文对应,译文尽量采用了直译的方式,希望能对大家阅读《傲慢与偏见》的英文...

原创 By Declan W. 这是一篇花了大量时间用心写完的精读笔记,有点长但是值得一读,为了做到中英文对应,译文尽量采用了直译的方式,希望能对大家阅读《傲慢与偏见》的英文...
Day 8 Renewables20 words 1.PV-photovoltaic 光致电压 of,concerned with, or producing electri...
If I am a prince, You are my country girl, I wasn't looking for the counterpart among t...
It has long been a hot topic for debate : should we aim at becoming an expert in one pa...
2017-02-12 Sun Some people say that the Internet provides people with a lot of valuable...
The ingenious idea behind 3D printing is that adding up lots of 2D layers, from the bot...
甘比英文拓展写作-橡树构造-Jo Day 16 2017-02-03 Friday 2 hours, 410 words King Oak Oak is an...
Day 12, 2017-01-30 Monday 278 words, 1.5 hours (gonna use “she” “her” for Gumbie Cat’s ...