①rust[rʌst] v. 生锈 The old car has already been rusted. ②groan[ɡroʊn] v. 呻吟 The old lady...

①rust[rʌst] v. 生锈 The old car has already been rusted. ②groan[ɡroʊn] v. 呻吟 The old lady...
一。①porter[ˈpɔːrtər] n. 门房 The porter carries customers' suitcases. 门房搬着客人们的行李箱。 ②thrill...
一、听力 ㈠单词 ①consider [kənˈsɪdər] v. 认为 The little boy considers it as a great idea. 那个小男孩...
①validate批准 The boss agrees with this document,so he validates it. ②bakery The woman is...
①intriguing[ɪnˈtriːɡɪŋ] adj. 有趣的,迷人的 This intriguing TV show makes the boy and the robo...
①flock[flɑːk] v. 聚集,成群而行 The birds flock together to the south. ②scarecrow[ˈskerkroʊ] n...
①validate批准 The boss agrees with this document,so he validates it. ②bakery面包店 The woman...
①must-see n.必看景点 must-sees in Los angeles洛杉矶必看景点 ②must-do n.必做之事must-dos in New York Ci...
①spin [spɪn] v. 使旋转 "Look, I can spin the basketball on my finger!" said the little gir...
⑴flea跳蚤flea market跳蚤市场 ⑵second-hand二手的a second-hand car一辆二手车 ⑶merchandise n.商品official ...
一、听力 ①negotiation[nɪˌɡoʊʃiˈeɪʃn] n. 谈判 The negotiation went well and they finally reach...
一、口语 ①shave ice刨冰delicious shave ice美味的刨冰 ②snow cone刨冰,沙冰enjoy snow cone品尝冰沙 ③food colo...
一.单词 ①facial[ˈfeɪʃ] adj. 面部的 The woman is very worried about her facial scar. 这个女人对她面部的...
一、口语 ㈠单词 ①crisp adj. (天气)凉爽的 a crisp autumn morning一个凉爽的秋日早晨 ②crater n.火山口a massive cra...
一、听力 ㈠短语 ①prepare for the worst意思是作最坏的打算,就像我们常常说的 记住要永远抱最大的希望,但作最坏的打算。 Remember to alwa...
fellow[ˈfeloʊ]n. 家伙(指男性) Those twofellowsgive each other a high five. 那两个家伙在互相击掌庆贺。 jaw...
一、短语 ①I beg your pardon! 在不同的语境有不同的含义。 I beg your pardon!意为“你说什么”, 表示不相信。 I'm afraid we...
一、听力 ①flicker [ˈflɪkər] v. 闪烁 The stars flicker in the sky. 星星在天上闪烁。 ②storm[stɔːrm] v. ...
①coward[ˈkaʊərd] n. 懦夫 Don't act like a coward!Face it like a man! ②fellow[ˈfeloʊ] n. 小...
①crystal['krɪstl]adj. 水晶的 The beautiful girl holds a wonderfulcrystalshoe on her hands....