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    文 | 壹默了然 在多数人眼里,中产阶级是个光鲜亮丽的名词。 晋升中产阶层是普通人的梦想,随着经济的高速增长,我国出现了数量庞大的中产阶级。 他们过着令人仰慕的体面生活,又不...

  • 古代一穷书生赶考途中睡了90多位小姐之后,得出如下耐人寻味的结论

    古代有一小姐,遇到一个上京赶考的穷书生避雨,发现其很有才华后以身相许。 次日小姐垂泪送书生:“君若高中莫负妾身。” 书生发誓后,带着姑娘给的银子走了。 小姐让丫环把书生的名字...

  • Stella
    Question 1
    Oil,fishes,vegetables and cereals.
    Question 2
    No.According to the pictures,  In some poor countries and areas, people still do not have enough food and warm clothes.They live in terrible environment.Demand is always greater than supply.So I think the resources in the world is still not enough.
    Question 3
    Need is basic requirements for human survival.And wants is people's desire for goods or services.As we can see in pictures,a poor family can't eat full,they don't have enough food to keep their life.Food for them,is need.However,the other family have a very delicious meal.They can eat full.The nice food for them,is wants.
    Question 4
    Because I think people's wants are infinite.And many resources are scarce and non-renewable.Those people who can afford to have the most resources will waste them. So some poor people have very few resources. And the factor of production of resource still is concerned with land,labour,capital and enterprise.

  • Lee
    Question 1
    Oil fishes vegetables and cereals
    Question 2
    Obviously, there is none. The picture shows us the life of those who have fewer resources, which is unimaginable to me, because the scarcity of resources leads to the low quality of life of these people.
    Question 3
    As can be seen from the figure, the difference between "needs" and "wants" is that "needs" only refers to a basic condition for survival, while "wants" is a higher requirement for living standard.
    Question 4
    I think two situations lead to "limited resources". The first reason is that there are a lot of non-renewable energy resources on the earth, which leads to the limited total resources. The second reason is that the output of some renewable energy resources also takes time, which leads to the upper limit of resources in a certain time, which leads to the limited resources.Of course, point two depends on the development of social productivity, but I think in the future for a long time, "limited resources" is still a common topic.