tricky 1.形容词 If youdescribeataskorproblemas tricky, you mean that it isdifficultto do o...

tricky 1.形容词 If youdescribeataskorproblemas tricky, you mean that it isdifficultto do o...
1.stampede 1. countable noun [usually singular] If there is a stampede, a group of peop...
Wesrworld's Strength is Its Inhumanity Day 1 1.programmatic(编程的) adjective Programmatic...
NASA’s ambitious plan to save Earth from a supervolcano Day1 One of the greatest threat...
The First Wave of Corporate AI Is Doomed to Fail VOCABULARY 1.initiatives 1. countable ...
When It Comes To Romantic Attraction, Real Life Beats Questionnaires Day 1 1.winnow ver...
Britain cannot escape the long arm of European law Day 1 (必备单词) 1.thorniest 1. adjectiv...
1.overriding adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] In a particular situation, the overridi...
清晓的江头,白雾茫茫;是江南天气,雨儿来了——我只知道有蔚蓝的海,却原来还有碧绿的江,这是我父母之乡!《繁星156》 The River mouth at dawn, Beh...
Uber drama fails to hurt its business, figures suggest (title)——from BBC 必背词汇 Sexual ha...
INDEPENDENT 1.allure verb (transitive) to entice or tempt (someone) to a person or plac...
1.治大国如烹小鲜 (1) Governing a big country is as delicate as frying asmall fish. You use del...
寒暑表降到冰点下十八度的时候,我们也是在廊下睡觉。每夜最熟识的就是天上的星辰了。也不过只是点点闪烁的光明,而相看惯了,偶然不见,也有些想望与无聊。The thermomete...
volume 1. countable noun [usually singular] The volume of something is the amount of it...
1、我激荡在这绵绵不息、滂沱四方的生命洪流中,我就应该追逐这洪流,而且追过它,自己去造更广、更深的洪流。Riding on the ceaseless rushing tor...
1>请问Odysseus观察到求婚者哪些行为?举个例子就好,这个问题旨在让你思考Odysseus他的埋伏和搜集信息。 2>请问昨天今天这两章之间,你认为Penelope可能搜...