超短的推文哦~ 1. 专业名词不把握,何以自称专业 一串长字符英文专业名词,常常让人唏嘘到忍不住发朋友圈,吐(xuan)槽(yao)自己学的专业好(gao)难(da)啊(sh...
超短的推文哦~ 1. 专业名词不把握,何以自称专业 一串长字符英文专业名词,常常让人唏嘘到忍不住发朋友圈,吐(xuan)槽(yao)自己学的专业好(gao)难(da)啊(sh...
英语流利说 Level7 Unit2 Part3 : On Machine IntelligenceZeynep Tufekci: Machine intelligence ...
英语流利说 Level8 Unit1 Part1 : The Math of LoveHannah Fry: The mathematics of love[https://...
英语流利说 Level7 Unit2 Part2 : Being a Global CitizenAndrés Ruzo: The boiling river of the ...
这老哥的口语似乎经常用错介词,有时候分不太清动词单复数和形式,如果有被我以为是错误改正的烦请指出 1 As a magician, I try to create image...
英语流利说 Level7 Unit1 Part3 : On EnduranceDavid Blaine: How I held my breath for 17 minute...
多年收藏,每一款APP都是本人一直在用,效果非常好的,绝对良心了,今天整理一下分享给大家,希望对大家有用。 1.voscreen 这款app简直是英文版抖音,根本停不下来,想...
David Blaine: On Endurance Video 1: On Endurance 1 As a magician, I try to create image...
图片发自简书App Raising kids A: You know, my husband and I are having a terrific fight over h...
Now, a century later, we have flu vaccines that have reduced the severity of epidemics....