@友邻外刊20220922When the Queen Died,Someone Had to Tell the Bees As news of the death of Q...

@友邻外刊20220922When the Queen Died,Someone Had to Tell the Bees As news of the death of Q...
@友邻外刊20220921 Can Liz Truss govern her own Party Summary Liz Truss is facing a severe p...
@友邻外刊20220907Tech Companies Slowly Shift Production Away From China Summary When Apple ...
@友邻外刊20220831 CEOs ditch kinder approach as economy shows signs of chilling Summary The...
@20220830友邻外刊Chip shops face extinction amid cost of living crisis Summary Chip shops i...
@友邻外刊20220829FAudi Says He Will Step Down in December to Pursue His Next Chapter Summar...
拥有智慧,才能拥有令人仰之弥高的成绩;拥有智慧,才能拥有自己无限美好的未来;拥有智慧,才会让可望不可即的事情变为现实…… 高尔基曾说到,书是人类进步的阶梯,所谓书是人成长最离...
感谢最近一段时间为我点赞的简友。 但我得在这里给自己泼一盆冷水,理一理当前的情况。 今天已经是第四天,没有更新论语学习了,最近几天事情确实比较多,也是自己没有提前规划好时间所...