词汇 shed v.除去 vivacious adj.活泼的;活跃的 selloff n.跌价抛售 disillusion v.使梦想破灭 brandish v.挥舞 rec...
词汇 spendy adj.昂贵的 pomp n.盛况 ethereal adj.轻柔的,超凡脱俗的 cylinder n.圆柱 trifling adj.微不足道的 der...
如今苹果为何让人失望? Yet, all around Apple, the digital world is burning up. Indirectly, Apple’s...
如今苹果为何让人失望? The Steve Jobs Theater on Apple’s spendy new campus in Cupertino, Calif., i...
Gender Inequality in Latin America wage discriminationagainst women gender inequality p...
the kaleidoscope of colors a speck of dust 一粒微尘 microscopic 极小的 animal dander 动物毛屑 quar...
sleep your way to the top 靠情色交易爬到顶层 It is generally considered that a woman has to slee...
The Education of a Publisher 这篇能看出创业初期的Jared Kushner在纸媒界混得并不怎么好。(还有前员工专门在下一篇文章种来拆台。)当然,...
Robert Kennedy Without Tears Robert F. Kennedy Is Remembered as a Liberal Icon. Here's ...
考试内容: 大学法语四级考试包括5各部分:听力理解、阅读理解、语法结构与词汇、书面表达。全部题目按顺序统一编号。总分100分,考试时间120分钟。 第一部分:听力理解 这一部...
六一儿童节,送给那些“装嫩”的大人一份礼物。熬一碗清醒的鸡汤,童话里都是骗人的,哈哈哈。 "It doesn't matter if you're born in a duc...
Dear English Police, Hope this letter finds you well. I saw your post on Sina Weibo and...
so long, farewell. 再见,珍重 raison d'être 存在的理由 cup his hands near my face 把手窝起来,为我挡风 side...
Baldness/ hair loss/ balding/ the missing hair problem/ grow back lost hair/alopecia/ h...
Humanity "Fifty yuan for each mispronounced word.” The program director told her on the...
On occasion:sometimes but not often On occasion prisoners were allowed visits from thei...