终于,离开了。 你知道吗?当人呆在一个环境长时间后就会变得越来越习惯,某种环境,某种氛围。 到最后他就会慢慢爱上这里。想要离开就变得异常艰难。 可到底还是梦想指引他,向前走。...

终于,离开了。 你知道吗?当人呆在一个环境长时间后就会变得越来越习惯,某种环境,某种氛围。 到最后他就会慢慢爱上这里。想要离开就变得异常艰难。 可到底还是梦想指引他,向前走。...
曾几何时,习惯了在外地过年,倒不觉得有些凄凉,孤独感。反而更多地是一种习惯。 你问我,难道没有一点想家的感觉吗?是有的。毕竟这个带给我一二十年回忆的家乡,每逢想起来还是挺怀念...
本周复盘从以下三个方面进行: ①健康整合 生物钟OK,身体正在慢慢习惯这种节奏。6点起床,22:30~23:00间睡觉。坚决不熬夜,有益身体,保护眼睛。 本周运动量仅有10k...
Recently I am thinking one question, where do I want to go? I have realized that I must...
The experience of learning English was great and excited, which made me feel lucky abou...
I don't know how to descrip the feeling being very difficult in the morning but I still...
As a Egnlish lover guy I spend most time on learnning oral, writting and my listening. ...
Accumulate some short setences❤️ shaving, boys are more easy to have shaving, right? po...
I have a habit recently that I would like to reply some questions which I was invited b...
Today I really wanna talk about meditation, which I keep doing it in the past several m...
As time goes by, I realize that I am a good worker but not an excellent worker. Why wou...
Several days before, I was having a conclusion of last year. I recalled myself but it s...
Before I have this topic, I would like to learn if some of you guys are working for you...
Sorry to make this passage very late to share. I just had a conversition with my friend...
Before I said something, I would like to throw out one question: Do you have the moment...
If you review my article in the previous, you will find I didn't update my passage for ...
我有个弟弟,目前就在我住宿的附近找了一份兼职。从他来到现在算起来有2个多月了。 第一次来的时候,晚上睡觉特别听话。手机叫出来乖乖地睡觉。 可是后来,一天不如一天。他开始慢慢践...
我有个习惯,每次到晚上22点多,就开始打盹,而且几乎每天都会这样。 然后瞌睡的直接栽头……不得不说一点,我真的太瞌睡了。 基本上我是有自己的作息时间,基本上都是23点睡觉,6...
以前也听说过跑步对人类大脑的作用,只不过那是很久,大概是两年前。 久而久之,一些信息就忘却了。 而今天再次看到一本书《运动改造大脑》仿佛昨日的记忆重新浮现。 没错。大脑具有可...