1. upend UK /ʌpˈend/ vt. 颠倒(to turn sth. upside down) This story upended history.这个故事颠覆...

1. upend UK /ʌpˈend/ vt. 颠倒(to turn sth. upside down) This story upended history.这个故事颠覆...
1. face ticking clock时间所剩不多 2. make a tough call一个艰难的决定 3. new normal新常态 back/return to...
If I should meet thee After long years, How should I greet thee? With silence and tears...
1. social media influencer社交媒体网红 2. landed gentry有土地的乡绅(a historical British social cla...
1. language barrier 语言壁垒 trade barrier 贸易壁垒 cultural barrier 文化障碍 2. wield /wiːld/ vt.使...
1. drop out ①退出(get out);②退学 2. financial might财力=financial power 3. wage a battle/war ...
1. fly sky high一飞冲天,振翅高飞= fly high sky-high adj. 极高的 sky-high price 居高不下的价格 He has sky-...
1. a time of peace and prosperity 和平繁荣的时代 2. 数字+fold表示几倍 tenfold 十倍 twofold 两倍 3. sb. y...
1. take up sth.开始做某事 take up a job 开始工作 take up a question 开始着手处理问题 take up exercise 开始...
1. be at a low ebb 处于低潮 2. terrorism waning式微 wane UK /weɪn/ vi.①(权力、感觉等)逐渐减少,减弱②本意指(月亮...
今天我想矫情一下,写一点给自己的东西。 四年前,我们分手,我十天十夜没睡觉,不是故作深情,而是眼皮上都是回忆,我得睁开眼用墙壁逼着自己不去想你。 我记得当时写过一首诗,前面几...
姐姐跟姐夫是高中同学,一直到大学,到现在好了九年才结婚,他们和其他人不一样的是,他们没有吵架和大闹过,平平淡淡度过了高中时光到现在。 就这样结婚了,订婚的当天,姐姐说:把外套...
1. the private sector 私营部门 the public sector公共部门 2. an umbrella brand母品牌商标 umbrella 统称;...
1. the state of sth.某事的状态 2. toss out an idea抛出一个观点 v. 颠簸The ship was tossed by the wav...
grieve for/over sb/sth因...悲痛,伤心 it grieves sb to do sth an instant success一炮而红 adj.立即的,...
①Over the course of the 2010s, the United States economy grew faster than other rich co...