我有一个名企梦 我从小是个表面低调,但内心张扬的孩子。成长的历程与大多数人别无二致,初中高中乃至大学,都是家长老师眼中成绩优异的“好学生”,我的青春岁月里不曾行差踏错,或许是...
我有一个名企梦 我从小是个表面低调,但内心张扬的孩子。成长的历程与大多数人别无二致,初中高中乃至大学,都是家长老师眼中成绩优异的“好学生”,我的青春岁月里不曾行差踏错,或许是...
Perhaps 'Old Cheese' is just old behavior. What we really need to let go of is the beha...
Some people never change and they pay a price for it. Some people like Hem in the medic...
You could learn to deal with change. You could be more aware of the need to keep things...
There seems to be a lot of emphasis on happiness and how you can achieve happiness. For...
Unlike Hew, Haw was struggling to look for new cheese even though followed with failure...
纽约时间比加州时间早三个小时, New York is 3 hours ahead of California, 但加州时间并没有变慢。 but it does not ma...
Who Moved My Cheese 2017 Apr 12 This lesson start with teacher Kevin. "brief parable ta...
In the last class, we knew the brief frame of ‘Who Moved My Cheese’and features of four...
During the studying of Part Ⅱ , whether two little people or two mice found their own w...
Facing the disappeared cheese in all of a sudden, the two little people can't accept th...
A large store of Cheese to Hem and Haw, means everything -confidence, happiness, even a...
还没有关注轻课Reading的小伙伴赶紧关注吧,关注后将读书感想记录发布,我会定期收录到学员感想集哦,让你的作品被更多人看到!!!! Chess being a metaph...
As the gathering of Chicago goes on, I can hardly wait to read the story part. There ar...
Regardless of whether you like it or not, the environment around us varies constantly. ...