JS数组两种定义方式: varnum=[1,2,3,5,6]; varnum1=newArray(1,2,3,5,6); 但第二种如果只传一个值,那么默认第一位是数组长度。 ...
JS数组两种定义方式: varnum=[1,2,3,5,6]; varnum1=newArray(1,2,3,5,6); 但第二种如果只传一个值,那么默认第一位是数组长度。 ...
varobj1={}; varobj2={ name:"laoyu", friend:["laogao","nuko"], gf:{ name:"aa", coding:fu...
functionmul(n){ if(n-1==0){///出口,也就是停止条件,不然就是一个死循环了。实际上是执行到最后一个数,这个数就是基数,这个基数是我们已知的,定义后...
//这里的处理字符串是直接用了push的数组方式反向存放字符 但其实没必要,因为js的字符串默认就是数组存放的 只要定一个空的字符串来出来输入的数据就可以了。因为+号等于字符...
1.求100以内的质数 for(vari=2;i<=100;i++){ ///看看i是不是质数,拿出一个数一直除到他本身。只有1和它本身可以被整除1,2,3,4,5,6,7....
1.求2的n次方,n为输入 varn=parseInt(window.prompt('input')); varsum=1;for(vari=0;i<n;i++){conso...
段落1 NARRATOR Listen to part of a lecture in an Astronomy Class. 段落2 MALE PROFESSOR Last...
1.This explains how, for example, alpine cushion plants have been found growing at an a...
proliferation = growth conducive to= favorite to有利于 reliably =in a consistently good or...
the length of time a given molecule of water remains in a lake?the time spent in the la...
Around this time, the largest of these centers, Cuicuilco, was seriously affected by a ...
foraminifera fossil shells containing calcite with high percentages of oxygen-16 were d...
about the people of Latium? In all probability it was the fertile plain of Latium, wher...
Compared with standard practices for remediation of contaminated soils, phytoremediatio...
Corn, for instance, can be grown on the dry soil and marginal hill land of North China,...
Water in the vadose zone drains down to the water table, leaving behind a thin coating ...
Wind pollination is often seen as being primitive and wasteful in costly pollen and yet...
In the near-surface layers, there are many large, fast carnivores as well as an immense...
One question deals with the effects that Bt plants have on nontarget organisms such as ...
Tools themselves can be revealing. Long-handed Neolithic spoons of yew wood preserved i...