Attack: Those who broke the law were lucky enough that they had not caught by the polic...

Attack: Those who broke the law were lucky enough that they had not caught by the polic...
This argument above ignores the fact that tenured faculty members were better teachers....
This argument above commits the “wishful thinking”fallacy. The concept that human knowl...
Sean thought that the criminal can not be rehabilitated.It was a a false delima. Jea...
1,文章逻辑性 2,表述准确性,文章核心关键信息不能模糊 3.检查前后语态时态 4,重要信息再现,例如重要经济数据
Trump continues to command the spotlight President Joe Biden was eage...
Texas blackouts raise climate warning Without preparation for u...
Japan 2021 Bouncing Back With a global recovery, Japan is po...
Biden should nominate judges who battled the government in court President ...
New Hampshire Towns Turned OutTiny-home Dwellers Tiny-homeresidents were lik...
The army's repression of democracy activists is becoming more violent The armys were ...
1)What is the Deputy President of Kenya’s view about Gay Marriage? Is he supportiveof t...
1.Who was Gaia? InGreek mythology,Gaia(/ˈɡeɪ.ə/or/ˈɡaɪ.ə/fromAncient GreekΓαῖα, a poeti...
1、词汇量比较弱,需要强化。 2、根据听力内容分专题整理自己的语料库,为明年5月的二口做准备。 3、听不懂、听不明白的地方不能放过,反复听,反复练习。
柏拉图为什么说最自由的僭主是最受奴役的?这要怎么回头证明正义的人比不正义的人更幸福? 个体有极大的可能会被剥夺所有财产,敢离城邦,让他的妻子儿女生活在水深火热之中,但是周围的...