I remember it was June. One afternoon, I backed from school and went to visit my grandm...
I remember it was June. One afternoon, I backed from school and went to visit my grandm...
I remember that it happened during the harvest season of the wheat. All of the grown-up...
I went for a late walk last night. Well, I struggled a little bit before I go, because ...
@铮铮铁骨123 哈哈,恭喜恭喜呀!貌似你的本领已经达到炉火纯青的地步了
It's necessary for us to check our question out before askingIf the question was wrong, how can we expect a right answer then?
@黑暗中的蔷薇花 Well, I would say that they can be confused in somehow, If only you take a view of a foreigner.
Can you guess what was going on?Once a pretty foreign girl met a Chinese guy at a party. She immediately felt like she ...
If the question was wrong, how can we expect a right answer then?
Haha, maybe. But It's all because she made a mistake by using the wrong word '屁股' instead of '皮肤'😂😂 (By the way, it was a real case)
Can you guess what was going on?Once a pretty foreign girl met a Chinese guy at a party. She immediately felt like she ...
@黑暗中的蔷薇花 Oh, no. It's all because she made a mistake by using the wrong word '屁股' instead of '皮肤'(by the way, it was a real case)😂😂
Can you guess what was going on?Once a pretty foreign girl met a Chinese guy at a party. She immediately felt like she ...
The way how you think of trouble is way too much important than trouble itself.
这句话的意思是: 让对方停一下,因为你没听懂他在说什么。即,告诉对方你没明白他的意思,示意他放慢语速再重复一遍,或者稍微解释一下。例如: 가: 그야말로 울며 겨자 먹는다는...
Once a pretty foreign girl met a Chinese guy at a party. She immediately felt like she ...
For examples: We have to walk a fair way from the station to our hotel, so try to pack ...
《海蒂和爷爷》是一部以阿尔卑斯山的绝美风景为拍摄背景的德国电影。剧情虽然简单,但却透着浓浓的温暖与纯净。是一部值得一看再看,有着净化人心灵之魔力的电影。 海蒂的妈妈去世...
已经一个礼拜过去了,乔苗依旧精神恍惚。马晓慧说她整夜整夜的缩在炕角,不让关灯,也不肯睡觉,一直熬到天亮后,才勉强靠墙眯一会儿。 弟弟家挖地基准备盖房,所以乔玉生回老家...