其实我真的超级不想写这个总结,因为周五没有写笔记_(:зゝ∠)_身为一个强迫症这就非常难过了,丧到不想继续打卡。 这是我第一次完整读完一本英文原著并且全程做了笔记,对我来说是...

其实我真的超级不想写这个总结,因为周五没有写笔记_(:зゝ∠)_身为一个强迫症这就非常难过了,丧到不想继续打卡。 这是我第一次完整读完一本英文原著并且全程做了笔记,对我来说是...
Vocabulary 1.It also adds a certain kind of information —— not hard facts, but enjoyabl...
Excerpt The writer, his eye on the finish line, never gave enough thought to how to run...
Vocabulary 1.It takes audacity and exberance and gaiety. audacity:Audacity is audacious...
Vocabulary 1.It's crude. It's corny. It's verbose. crude: adj 1)A crude method or measu...
Vocabulary presumably:adv.大概,可能,想来,据推测 deflect:vt.& vi.使歪斜;使弯曲;偏转,偏离 frailty:n.脆弱;虚弱;(性...
Excerpt Humor is the secret weapon of the nonfiction writer. If you trying to write hum...
Excerpt Yet I suggest several conditions that apply to both good reviewing and good cri...
Excerpt The best sportswriters know this. They avoid the exhausted synonyms and strive ...
Vocabulary 1.Nobody has made the point better than George Orwell in his translation int...
签名这一点在日本国内是有先例的,正是基于先例江妈妈才希望能够征集签名去判处凶手死刑。至于刘鑫这个人在该案件中究竟扮演什么样的角色,案卷公布以前谁也不知道ㄟ(▔ ,▔)ㄏ
我为什么拒绝在“江歌事件”的上申书签名。去年日本留学生江歌被杀事件再次发酵。江歌的母亲于今年11月11日、12日,在东京进行签名活动,并且发布网页上申书征集签名,要求日本法院判处凶手死刑。 我不同意签字的原因是,上...
Vocabulary 1.I was sure we were in for chaos. chaos:Chaos is a state of complete disord...
Vocabulary 1.retrospective:回顾的;怀旧的;回顾展。The first kind is retrospective exhibition. 2.em...
Vocabulary 1.And finally he agreed to spend his mornings writing in that retrospective ...
Summary People and places are the two pillars on which most nomfiction is build. 今天这章是如...
Summary 这两章讲了两个内容。 首先是fiction与nonfiction,即写作类型的问题。作者说,novelist can take us into places ...