文|李弯湾 12月15号,马思纯发了一条微博,内容是她读张爱玲《第一炉香》的读后感。 然后先是被“衣锦夜行的燕公子”点评,说马思纯根本没读懂。 似乎是因为被戳到了,马思纯很快...
文|李弯湾 12月15号,马思纯发了一条微博,内容是她读张爱玲《第一炉香》的读后感。 然后先是被“衣锦夜行的燕公子”点评,说马思纯根本没读懂。 似乎是因为被戳到了,马思纯很快...
清华大学物理学系高颜值学霸马某妮和电子工程系宋某睿,两人曾一同参与综艺节目《一站到底》,被评“学霸情侣”,“清华校花、校草”。 近日被爆出两个人私生活混乱,感情世界纷争不断的...
前两天,我在朋友圈看到了这样一个动态:“打了一把游戏,啊,我把手机外屏摔碎了,难受啊!”毋庸置疑,我想那位朋友应该是在玩王者荣耀,这个游戏小编也玩过,曾经也是很是着迷。 ...
when it is comes to freedom you may should mention about responsibilities ,make it even .
What's a good relationship should be?What's a good relationship should be? I thought through it very clearly, and I had expe...
What's a good relationship should be? this title means you are going to make an argument about a shape of a Good relationship ,what is a Good relationship ?why that is a Good relationship ? how to create and keep a Good relationship ? ,l like your point where you are standing .but when l reading your article it's more about freedom ,maybe you can do some kind adjustment ,make it more right and persuasive.
What's a good relationship should be?What's a good relationship should be? I thought through it very clearly, and I had expe...
What's a good relationship should be? I thought through it very clearly, and I had expe...
This is by all means an ordinary day for Tree, except waking up in an unfamiliar dormr...
this is already midnight ,and l just can't sleep .l don't know what's wrong with me .i...
题记,在简书发现一张蓑笠翁图片,出入风波里,独钓寒江雪,古意浓浓,引得很多诗友纷纷作诗、和诗,让人拍手叫好。(今天是简书发表文章的第116天。) 烟波江上何来急,宿鸟投林独自...
文|李弯湾 20岁的杨超越,似乎啥也不会,就凭空成为了现象级的平民偶像。什么叫现象级?她一句“我是全村的希望”,让全网争相模仿,成了年度网络流行语;她的一张照片,成为锦鲤,网...
关于“女生第一次”这个问题,我问过几个男性朋友的看法,结果不出意外的,他们的回答大多数是介意。 他们觉得女生的第一次很重要,必须是自己的,才能安心。 更有甚者,说如果女生不是...
最近就今天主要是我观看了美剧《亿万》讲述了纽约市政治与经济领域、关于金钱的一场较量。故事主要描述两个华尔街重量级人物之间的战争。精明、强硬的检察官查克·罗兹(保罗·吉亚玛提 ...