
Diversion的其中一个意思是消遣。例如:“our chief diversion was reading"我们主要的消遣是读书。
即兴创作的英文是“improvised”: created and performed spontaneously or without preparation; impro...
Lecture with exercises (2 CP) / Vorlesung mit Übungen (2 KP):https://ivanek.github.io/i...
Population genetics and genomics in Rhttps://grunwaldlab.github.io/Population_Genetics_...
NBIS(National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden)的github有许多不错的资源:https://github.com/N...
Video Log (vlog) A vlog is a short clip that shows impressions from our participants, o...
Recommended book: Mathematics for Machine learning (free online): https://mml-book.gith...
英 [iːs'θetɪk; es-] 美 [ɛs'θɛtɪk] adjectiveconcerned with beauty or the appreciation of...
Prerequisites You will need to install the following packages (if you don’t have them a...
Daft的意思是:silly; foolish. "Don't be daft!"的意思是Don't be stupid / silly. 此外‘daft’还有一个意思是:i...
puissant: /ˈpwēsnt,ˈpyo͞oəsnt/adjectivehaving great power or influence."he would become...
小孩在学校上学回来把这句话用在她妹妹身上。开始我没听懂。后来查了一下才明白。 You get what you get and you don't throw a fit.你...
我是个篮球迷。今天在看一个篮球视频是,下面有这么一个评论:I wish people would scrutinize their politicians as much a...
Indoctrinate的同义词有brainwash,propogandiz,inculcate等。 Indoctrinate主要指对对一个人或者一群人灌输一套理论,使得这个...