In another 15 minutes, they plan to eat lunch at a magnificent old hotel in the park. I...
In another 15 minutes, they plan to eat lunch at a magnificent old hotel in the park. I...
L3-U3-P3-1 Listening :Harry’s Business Trip 1 Harry’s Business Trip 1 Harry is on a bus...
L2-U3-P2-1 Listening : Yesterday's Schedule Yesterday's Schedule Dan is a pilot. He fli...
前端开发过程中总避免不了要写一些HTML和CSS,于是Emmet应运而生,它可以极大的简化我们写代码的流程,提高书写的效率。 Emmet(以前名为Zen Coding)是一套...
结婚那年,我才二十岁。在那个爱情至上的年龄,我始终坚信爱情远比面包重要。面包没了,我们可以赚,爱情没了,就真的没了。 所以我跟温先生谈恋爱的时候,从来都不会在乎他的出身。 我...