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    这是上帝不小心按了回退键,还是老天爷欠人间一场雪,等不及到冬天还?本就是春暖花开的时节,却又下起这么一场声势浩荡的雪。 已经过了雨水的节气,再有两周就是惊蛰,万物复苏的时候。...

  • D58 Jun.9,17 Movie lines

    A man has to be what he is, Joy.Can't break the mold.There is no living with a killing....

  • TMC & ME

    My CC10 speech. Written a year ago. Two years ago, I received an email saying that ther...

  • D59 July.28,17

    The mystery of whose story will be of who draws the curtain.Who is it that chooses our ...

  • Introduction

    HelloPeople get to know each other simply start with a hello. So the first thing I need...

  • 落满灰尘的梦想

    如果不是朋友介绍,老杨是不会走进这样一家工厂的。跟着导航左转右转的兜了好几圈,到了一处Newblush的地方。 推门进去,主人不在,满眼的脏乱不堪。有几台机器胡乱的摆放在车间...