User story: A story is a simple description of a need, told fromthe perspective of the ...

User story: A story is a simple description of a need, told fromthe perspective of the ...
Showcase Why do we have a Showcase? It is a way to review with stakeholder How long wil...
Release planning: PO defines abusiness goal, so squad creates a plan that describes a s...
剽悍一只猫2018年度分享,在【有讲】平台有超过17万人报名参与,打赏金额突破7万。在喜马拉雅里的播放量已经突破了39.5w,总有一些会让你有所收获。 一、时间 1.时间就是...
Table topic questions from the first time that I hosted table topic section. Agree or d...