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    WHAT'S UP in QD-Do you need a book for your metro ride?

    Let's see what's up in QD recently. Today, I wanna talk about another thing about Qingd...

  • I discussed news information and advertising service information with a magazine editor today. He told me that news won't occuppy the market in this day and age. But I feel that there are tooo many people devote themselves to advertising service information, do all people only care about eating,drinking and parties, really no one cares about social development today? I can't agree with him on this point. But I understand that DM magazine requires advertising to survive. Thanks god that personal website no need to limited the length of an article! :grin:
    If you want to become a Chinese or QingDao local “万事通”, I advice you go to focus on the news and know what good and bad things are happing around you and what we can do? Know that when we close our eyes, those social phenomena still exist. If you live in LaoShan district, do you realize that your community is beginning to limit water? The water shortage is very serious in Qingdao this year, however many outsiders even don't know or care about it. If some things we can do, that we called "connections". Connections make people be together and the society needs some people to build that connection.