又是辞职月有人会说怎么刚上班又想着辞职,你也太不稳定了。本来想着能安慰地在一家公司好好呆着。 但根据种种原因,做销售没有休息日。加班到10点都是正常事,周末明面上是休息,其实是要加班。...
又是辞职月有人会说怎么刚上班又想着辞职,你也太不稳定了。本来想着能安慰地在一家公司好好呆着。 但根据种种原因,做销售没有休息日。加班到10点都是正常事,周末明面上是休息,其实是要加班。...
【分享之前】 在分享之前,我需要说明一下,下面的方法是根据我这4个多月形成的跟读习惯总结出来的,绝对不敢说是最好的跟读方法或者EnglishPod的最佳学习方法。因为学习方法...
回顾2018年,我做的最成功的一件事:实习 去到大一时向往的一家公司实习。 学校规定大四上学期以实习为主。在大三第一学期的时候,我开始准备“如何写简历”“如何面试”;大三下学...
1:PanDownload PanDownload是一款支持百度网盘不限速下载的电脑软件。它在9月1号进行了很多更新,包括:支持免登录下载,支持批量下载,多账号管理等等功能。...
It’s the curse of our generation. I feel like i need to fill every last minute of my da...
Today would’ve been my grandma’s 76thbirthday. Sadly, she’s been dead for then years. C...
Goals. Are . awesome. Used right, they are effective tools for improving yourself and a...
Dont quit your job until you have a new one. I’d heard that warning since the day i was...
The gialogue about happiness has not changed much for the past 3000 years since ancient...
Do you sometimes feel like you’re wasting your potential? And do you also feel unsure a...
The golden rule of communication. There is a golden rule in persuasion or any type of c...
Many years ago, i was listening to an experienced meditation teacher counseling a stude...
This is a morbid sentiment, but untimately, it is ture. There is no getting away from t...
I stood frozen in front of a wardrobe of clothes. What do i do with these? My mother ha...
I guess this day was inevitable, and i knew it would come, eventually. All the warning ...
What will serve you well in life? Just yesterday, i was on my way to work, a commute th...
Two years ago,My husband got a tattoo of our daughter’s name on his wrist while he was ...