Adblock可以拦截网页上的广告, 被誉为最受欢迎的 Chrome 扩展 屏蔽简书广告 屏蔽简书广告 屏蔽csdn广告, 开箱即用 关于屏蔽视频广告 原则上Adblock也...

Adblock可以拦截网页上的广告, 被誉为最受欢迎的 Chrome 扩展 屏蔽简书广告 屏蔽简书广告 屏蔽csdn广告, 开箱即用 关于屏蔽视频广告 原则上Adblock也...
git-clean[]Note that the git clean command works from...
Scenario: A project is initialized, add a .gitignore file with content .idea. But unfor...
1. Install WSL References:Install WSL[] Possible ...
Solution: Run cmd as admin Reboot PC
There was a file in the git repo, it was deleted in one commit, now for some re...
Go to Insert, locate the Text sectionimage.png Click the Object buttonimage.png Choose ...
Say I'm in folder /c/Users/hatter/Documents/202203(WSL), I need to copy the last downlo...
Then close & restart a new terminal(maybe a logout, re-login is needed).
It's a good way to isntall the two applications: conemu[] ubun...
While there is an android device connected to windows PC via usb adb, the device can be...
Install Ubuntu from windows store To use this feature, one first needs to use "Turn Win...
Target: Set default app for specific file type For instance, I want to set deault app f...
Run python unittest by test definition order:
Run foo(0): Run foo(1): Run foo(-1): Try: This block will test the excepted error to oc...
Refer to:[htt...