Aggressive people often push their own ideas or try to force others to follow them. 鼓吹 ...

Aggressive people often push their own ideas or try to force others to follow them. 鼓吹 ...
来自 诺丁山插曲I do cherish you 观光团 冰箱:安娘哈塞哟,这里这里,喂(拼命挥手)!我叫电冰箱,离开工厂的时候老板叮嘱我们要说自己是韩国的,是来自星星的大冰...
L5-U2-P2-1 Listening :Light and Color People have wondered about the nature of light an...
L5-U1-P4-1 Listening :Mysteries of Nature 1 Mysteries of Nature 1 There are many myster...
Actions and Change行动和改变 To replace something means to put something else in its place.替...
180天的课程告一段落,首先对于流利说能否提高口语说几句中肯的: 1.我的发音更准了,咬字更清晰。 2.听力提高不少,虽然试了一下雅思听力题还是有很多听不懂。 3. 口语,我...
蔡蔡 6月15日早上9:53,我向“每天一千字”发起人黄志杰兄转去了2000元RMB,表示我愿意参加这个打卡活动。我自愿每天写1000字,如果做不到而掉队,2000元承诺金将...
BY刘安那160719 自从智能手机风靡,各类APP铺天盖地,英语学习APP自然也不甘落后,以前我考BEC(中级两次,高级两次,屡败屡战!)练听力口语对话的时候还只能疯狂的跑...