词:lament =complain 英英释义:to express annoyance or disappointment about something you thin...
generic shared by, typical of or relating to a whole group of similar things, rather th...
词:dissuade 英英释义:to persuade someone not to do something 例句:Many friends unsuccessful...
词:laudable 英英释义:(of actions and behaviour) deserving praise, even if there is little or...
@welcomelzy 那啥。俄罗斯有些酒鬼买不起酒,就喝有酒精的日用品的新闻…然后很多日用品公司也是故意打擦边球,靠这种拉动买卖。想想里面很多法律应该都有历史条件和文化背景。
在美国有这些照片,你可能会被抓起来相信大部门人对美国法律不是很清楚吧,今天带大家浏览一组有特色的犯罪照片。 当你看到这个标题时,脑海里浮现的一定是色情或是犯罪为主题的照片。你肯定不会想到,违法的照片会是穿紧身...
词:mold 英英释义:to influence the way someone's character or attitudes develop 例句:Many paren...
词:secure 英英释义:succeed in obtaining (something), especially with difficulty 例句:Many pare...
词:sour 英英释义:if a relationship or someone's attitudesours, or if something sours it, it ...
词:cloud 英英释义:to make someone confused, or make something more difficult to understand 例...