今天是大年初三,南方天气真的是变化莫测,起床时,户外还是浓雾弥漫的典型的‘回南天’景像,转眼之间就变成了云开雾散,阳光明媚… 过年了烟花爆竹声声不断,已经有几天,没来小区内外...
今天是大年初三,南方天气真的是变化莫测,起床时,户外还是浓雾弥漫的典型的‘回南天’景像,转眼之间就变成了云开雾散,阳光明媚… 过年了烟花爆竹声声不断,已经有几天,没来小区内外...
The main cause of smog and acid rain is pollution from burning fuels like coal, oil, an...
introvert/ˈɪntrəvɜːrt/someone who is quiet and shy, and does not enjoy being with other...
when you care about or help other people, even though this brings no advantage to yours...
/ˈiːɡoʊɪst/a person who thinks that he or she is better than other people and who think...
When we use 'above' as a preposition, it means ‘higher than'. Its meaning is close to t...
The comparative form of "bitter" can be either "more bitter" or "bitterer," and the sup...
The words "fun" and "funny" have different meanings in English. Fun "Fun" can be a noun...
Junk food has become an integral part of modern life. Here are some common examples of ...