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  • 120
    Introduction of Hadoop/ MapReduce

    What is MapReduce ? Parallel programming model for big data processing: split data> chu...

  • 120
    Data Analytics Lifecycle

    Value Time-focused Easy transition of the Project Repeatable and validable Lifecycle 1....

  • Introduction of Big Data Analysis

    Definition: "Big Data" is data whose scale distribution,diversity, and timeliness requi...

  • Professor, I am impressive and inspired by your summary of the summer school experience. It is a pretty good way to write down your thoughts and views in terms of reviewing as well as improving writing skills. I am a student of HIT, and this semester I studied in Germany as exchange student, during the summer vocation, I am participating a Summer school of Data Science in Wroclaw, Poland. I would learn from you writing an article as a summary. Thank you for sharing.

    Review on HIT summer school

    I took part in the summer school hosted by Harbin Institute of Technology. The Topic is...

  • 自信与不确定性

    回首来看,自己总是十分怯弱、不够自信、怀疑自己,总是看到自己的短处,于是愈加自卑,愈加表现平平。深深受到一封来自素不相识的美国的IT Career Genius的博客的博主的...

  • 感恩日志3--港口鱼市采购记 失去也要感恩


  • 啊 现在身体怎样?
    很能理解压力大时暴饮暴食 或者饮食睡眠不规律的痛苦
    我也是查出什么病来 才晓得都是自己日常琐事上不够节制自律造成的结果

    凯西等候婚姻第二篇 2017年2月9日


  • 面对Machine Learning考试的积极心理暗示

    听到瑞士的小哥Economic得了满分1.0, 非常惊讶。 自己还没有收到结果,心里还是有点焦急和不舒服的。 一起学习的意大利女孩celine 已经不复习了,把exercis...

  • 感恩日志 Day1

    Dear God, Thank you for blessing me the life--that I could enjoy the joy and sadness. I...

  • Do not be TRICKeds by your mind that you CAN'T

    Battle Negative Thoughts Our mind is hard to change once we were convinced with somthin...

  • 120

    在德国汉堡工业大学的这一学期,原本在来之前制定的学习计划里面并没有 来这里选课的时候 ,临时发现一门通信网络系的研究生的6学分的task-oriented课,Simulati...