@龍井_98eb 已修改,感谢指出!
懂你英语 Level3 Unit3 Part4 Dialogue - Settling the BillThat was a great dinner. Here, put away your wallet, I’ll pay the bill. You paid last t...
@龍井_98eb 已修改,感谢指出!
懂你英语 Level3 Unit3 Part4 Dialogue - Settling the BillThat was a great dinner. Here, put away your wallet, I’ll pay the bill. You paid last t...
@龍井_98eb 已修改,感谢指出!
懂你英语 Level3 Unit3 Part4 Dialogue - Settling the BillThat was a great dinner. Here, put away your wallet, I’ll pay the bill. You paid last t...
@希阳 没说清楚,sorry~ 我指的是不用流利说很久了,离开了那个课程。
懂你英语 Level4 Unit2 Part1 Listening - Extinction Events 2Scientists estimate that there have been at least 5 mass extinctions in the last 540 mi...
@猫freedom 已添加,感谢帮助!
懂你英语 Level5 Unit1 Part2 Vocabulary - Reactions to NewsSome people can remain calm even when everyone else is confused and upset. When you are...
@summer_299f 已修改,感谢指出!
懂你英语 Level5 Unit3 Part2 Dialogue - Appearance and CareerHow was the job interview? She did well but she is so unattractive. I don't think we sh...
@刘宇宁_188b 多谢鼓励,最近疫情被关在家里,每天就看书追剧,没什么新鲜事,以后想到什么有趣的内容会继续更新的。
【年终收尾】岁末,让生活从零开始前记: 好久没有更新了,冷不丁的发一篇文章,不知道还会有人看到吗hhhhh. 英语流利说的文章应该不会更新了(维护的工作还是会继续完成的),因为我学习英语的阶段性目的已经达到...
@summer_299f 已修改,感谢指出!
懂你英语 Level5 Unit1 Part1 Vocabulary - Types of informationPublic information is available to anyone who wants to know it. If a store is open to t...
@summer_299f 已修改,感谢指出!
懂你英语 Level5 Unit2 Part2 Vocabulary - Verbs for Business 1To promote, to move someone up in an organization usually because she has done a good j...
@希阳 我比较喜欢一些简洁的东西啦,所以除了原文尽量不加入其他文字。而且我离开流利说很久了,你如果有些读后感的话可以在评论区分享哦~
懂你英语 Level4 Unit2 Part1 Listening - Extinction Events 2Scientists estimate that there have been at least 5 mass extinctions in the last 540 mi...
@希阳 大部分都是的哦,最开始听写的时候还没有原文选项,后来有了原文之后,把其中的一部分对照原文核对了一遍。
懂你英语 Level4 Unit2 Part2 Vocabulary - DisastersEarthquakes are caused by forces deep within the Earth. When the earth shakes, building...
@summer_299f 已修改,感谢指出!
懂你英语 Level5 Unit2 Part1 Vocabulary - Interacting with OthersTo disguise, to change something's appearance, so that it can't be recognized. He wasn'...
@Alicialulu 谢谢~ 听写是个找出自己听力盲区的好办法,相信你也会一步步成长的!
【年终收尾】岁末,让生活从零开始前记: 好久没有更新了,冷不丁的发一篇文章,不知道还会有人看到吗hhhhh. 英语流利说的文章应该不会更新了(维护的工作还是会继续完成的),因为我学习英语的阶段性目的已经达到...
@summer_299f 这个我不太确定欸,你有看到原文是哪个吗?
懂你英语 Level5 Unit1 Part1 Vocabulary - Types of informationPublic information is available to anyone who wants to know it. If a store is open to t...
@高乃严 嗯,继续保持!
【懂你英语】22天,从零起步冲刺返学费攻略狠下心付款购买懂你英语的那天,暗自立誓每天无论多么忙碌,一定抽出半个小时精进英语。 但总会有那么一天,或是在外旅游学习不便,或是忙碌一天大脑昏昏沉沉,临睡前突然意识到今天可能...