240 发简信
  • I love three things in this world
    the sun;the moon; and you
    the sun for the day
    the moon for the night
    and you forever

  • 或许你没意识到,其实你很傲慢

    No one likes to be around an arrogant person since it is a quality that does not attrac...

  • I'm not sorry that I met you ,I'm not sorry that knowing you,has made me question everything,Also you're the one that made me feel most alive.I'm really a terrible human,or I made some bad choices.But I would rather go right now than spend one year remembering how I good I had it and how happy I was.Goes with hate or love ,I willl never be sorry for that I was fall in love with you!这是曾经我高二写给她的一封信!

  • I'm not sorry that I met you ,I'm not sorry that knowing you,has made me question everything,Also you're the one that made me feel most alive.I'm really a terrible human,or I made some bad choices.But I would rather go right now than spend one year remembering how I good I had it and how happy I was.Goes with hate or love ,I willl never be sorry for that I was fall in love with you!这是曾经我高二写给她的一封信!


    我们该如何表达爱意呢?是直白地将真情实感洋洋洒洒地托于书信,还是将寥寥几字的告白发在朋友圈里,隐晦却又带着高调。 古往今来,最通俗的做法,是将羞怯或者热烈的情意藏于诗句里。当...

  • 120

    我们该如何表达爱意呢?是直白地将真情实感洋洋洒洒地托于书信,还是将寥寥几字的告白发在朋友圈里,隐晦却又带着高调。 古往今来,最通俗的做法,是将羞怯或者热烈的情意藏于诗句里。当...

  • 要是你高中三年坚持不下去了(摘录)
