INTRODUCTION: Rotator cuff tear is a very common and disabling condition that can be re...

INTRODUCTION: Rotator cuff tear is a very common and disabling condition that can be re...
PURPOSE: To compare functional outcomes and magnetic resonance image (MRI) tendon integ...
If you're in the central US, you can wave goodbye to warm weather -- at least for now. ...
Over the past decade, the interest in acromioclavicular (AC) joint research has experie...
这个题目是临床工作中确实要面对的一个问题,对于老年人来说,手术即使再小,也会因为年龄的问题带来风险。所以,关节镜手术到底能不能带来手术收益呢?程度有多大,风险值得冒吗? BA...
PURPOSE: To analyze clinical outcomes, return to sports, and complications in a series ...
BACKGROUND:: Lesions of the long head of the biceps tendon are often associated with ma...
BACKGROUND:: The surgical treatment of recurrent shoulder instability has evolved in re...
BACKGROUND:: Operative treatment is indicated for unstable syndesmosis injuries, and ap...
最重要的工作,是规律生活和健康管理。 共勉之⋯⋯
济济京城内,赫赫王侯居。冠盖荫四术,朱轮竟长衢。 朝集金张馆,暮宿许史庐。南邻击钟磬,北里吹笙竽。 寂寂扬子宅,门无卿相舆。