Dissociable effects of the implicit and explicit memory systems on learning control of ...
Dissociable effects of the implicit and explicit memory systems on learning control of ...
Individual differences in explicit and implicit visuomotor learning and working memory ...
Feedback delay attenuates implicit but facilitates explicit adjustments to a visuomotor...
针对脑部病变病人的学习任务研究(3篇,作者Knowlton, B. J.(第一篇)Knowlton, B. J., Squire, L. R., & Gluck, M. A. (1994). Probabilistic classificatio...
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Zubek, J., & Kuncheva, L. (2018). Learning from Exemplars and Prototypes in Machine Lea...
Nosofsky, R. M. (2011). The generalized context model: An exemplar model of classificat...
Nosofsky, R. M., Sanders, C. A., Gerdom, A., Douglas, B. J., & McDaniel, M. A. (2017). ...
Eichenbaum, H. (2017). Memory: organization and control. Annual review of psychology, 6...
Anderson, M. C., & Green, C. (2001). Suppressing unwanted memories by executive control...
Yingying Wang, Zhijun Cao, Zijian Zhu, Huaqian Cai& Yanhong Wu(2015)Cue-independent for...