Prettier There are bridges on the rivers, As pretty as you please; But the ...

Prettier There are bridges on the rivers, As pretty as you please; But the ...
悠着点跟“得瑟”一样, 都是来自北京方言, 表示小心点,注意点。 比如:干活不要太猛,悠着点; 这酒太烈,悠着点; 万事不要得意忘形,悠着点! 那么你知道“悠着点”用英语怎么...
狠下心来 steel oneself steel oneself “使自己准备应付,下决心应付,硬下心做”,一般是应对不愉快的事情。 英语解释为to prepare your...
【朗读以下例句】 Actually, many people have developed a love-hate relationship with cashless pa...
“干货”英文怎么说? 干货不是dry goods dry goods一般表示纺织品 Many kinds of dry goods are placed nicely in ...
(just) for love或(just) for the love of sth出于爱好;不收报酬;无偿 【解释】 without receiving payment o...
文革这场大苦难结束后,杨绛说: “乌云蔽天的岁月是不堪回首的,可是停留在我记忆里不易磨灭的,倒是那一道含蕴着光和热的金边。”人世间,从不缺少苦难与绝望。在绝境中生存,不...
【朗读以下例句】 She has been dating a younger man and they’re like a match made in heaven. Alt...
时光如水,总是无言! 不经意之间,二月,冬春之交,伴随着春节匆匆而去。三月,踏着春的脚步,悄然而来。二月再见,三月你好!草树知春不久归,百般红紫斗芳菲。 ...