想做的的事情很多,但是时间就那么多。不知怎么安排的时候,要先做起来才是,而不是光在这想。 为什么想来写字,是因为看到一个同事的短视频,看到了我给她钩织的发夹,她的女儿戴着呢!...
想做的的事情很多,但是时间就那么多。不知怎么安排的时候,要先做起来才是,而不是光在这想。 为什么想来写字,是因为看到一个同事的短视频,看到了我给她钩织的发夹,她的女儿戴着呢!...
I have nothing to do today because of the coming new year. Our office will be on holida...
During the client's holiday, there are not so many things to deal with. I always though...
I am not sure why I am here, not sure whether I am happy or sad to think of this place....
Distance yourself from the people who lie to you,disrespect you,use you, put you down,d...
Hello buddy, long time no see. it has been almost a month time that I have no keep a di...
how do you make a choice normaly ? I am addicted to crocheting lately, and like to buy ...
I always can not insist on one thing for a very very long time. for example this diary....
I do not need a topic for my article. I just want to write sth. in english for practici...
人有时候会变,我一开始钩织的时候是不喜欢这种包的,好像也不屑去钩这一款 但是现在又喜欢了,同样的图案,会有不同的创意,可能因为看到了一个特别好看的 于是我决定拥有它,并且觉得...
Human There is nothing easy in the life of adult. In fact, there is nothing simple in t...
I recite new wors everyday,and have a strange deskmate in the app.Our relationship will...
I feel anxious because of my little boy. Maybe it will be late when I realize the serio...
sorry,I have no courage to keep a diary everyday just because of my poor vocabulary. Ho...
Today I start to write something here in English. I want to improve my english level. S...
家务这件事好像只跟一种人有关,那就是女人。Why?为什么? 只要我这个女人不动手去做,家里永远乱糟糟的,结婚十年,那个男人拿笤帚的次数一个手能数过来 今年我这个女人上班以后,...
全职带娃三年以后刚上的班,都走上正轨了,又辞了,成熟的人都会觉得可笑吧,我怎么还这样呢?苦闷 一开始的我没有经过招聘会,没有经过等待的煎熬,一下子就复出,没有孩子都上学以后的...
下一秒想沉迷 从宝妈切换到职场新人,事情都在催着我走,感觉好像无缝衔接,没有适应没有无措,就是干! 就好像之前的三年没有过一样,眼前真的有一个不用付出就得到的小宝贝儿,甜也好...