240 发简信
  • 圆球沿着椭圆轨迹做动画

    前言:最近公司项目有个需求,需要实现让一个view沿着椭圆轨迹做动画,效果实现后,就自己封装做了一个小demo,使用更方便。先看效果: 效果图中的白色椭圆轨迹线其实是用贝塞尔...

  • it's not because "they don't need to understand everything", then "then something become simpler than past", why something become simpler? it's only because some great guy find the truth, the ultimate answer, then express them in some easy way, then we understand this world easier


    We have a lot of questions for this world after we had thoughts.We never understand eve...