小儿六岁生日。 一早他起床,让我和他一起看书,一起做运动,让我陪他去打篮球,整个早上都在身边叽叽喳喳。 中午海底捞,吃肉看捞面收玩具。 晚上聚餐,包了一个房,一起吃饭,一起唱...

小儿六岁生日。 一早他起床,让我和他一起看书,一起做运动,让我陪他去打篮球,整个早上都在身边叽叽喳喳。 中午海底捞,吃肉看捞面收玩具。 晚上聚餐,包了一个房,一起吃饭,一起唱...
Green Efforts of Pingshan Library Pingshan Library is located in Pingshan District, She...
Live Happily Ever After It was many years ago. I was a young dad sitting on the couch,r...
What Is the Meaning of Life? This is the story people will often tell you: You come to ...
It was one warm evening many years ago. After spending nearly every waking minute with ...
I'll be a tree,if you are its flower, Or a flower,if you are the dew-- I'll be the dew,...
Take a deep breath. Everything will be okay in the end. And if not okay,it's not the en...
hey you. You're bold. You're brilliant and you're beatiful. There is no other person li...
Those times when you get up early and you work hard. Those times when you stay up late ...
New York is three hours ahead of California. but it does not make California slow. Some...
You have 86400 yuan in your account. If someday somebody steals 10 yuan. Will you be up...
今天聊聊带新人。 以诚服人,以德服人,以能服人。但并不是说你比新人厉害。 带新人带什么,如何带?怎么发挥新人的积极作用/ 一是善用人之长,要善于发现人的优点、优势。 二是真诚...
有些疑惑,只有标题,没有内容,当天发生了什么? 但无论发生什么,看,这才过了几天,我完全想不起来了。 有时你以为很难过的坎,咬咬牙就过去了;有时你以为天大的难题,头一低就过去...
今天聊聊在职场上被批评该怎么办? 被批评了,情绪如何照顾?该如何改进? 有人说,找一个下属批评下去。行不通,下属的情绪资源很宝贵,再说了己所不欲,勿施于人,更要提醒自己注意方...
今天聊聊职场逆境。 在职场的不同阶段,或者在职场遇到困境,有些人凭借智慧、努力甚至外力的帮助,很快冲破这些阻碍,而有些朋友的意志不够坚定,或者迷茫的无动于衷,会因此困住很久,...
今天聊聊如何了解上级的需求~工作目标确定。 以下几个问题,你是否清楚: 你所在部门今年的目标是什么? 你的上司现在最关心的问题是什么? 你知道自己要怎么实现目标吗? 如果你对...