240 发简信
  • You are competent .I think your career will be successful .But ,I really think you are pretty.I mean ,your appearance is not average but beautiful. May be you just haven't found

    Reason 1: Why I look like so

    I'm not literally someone like a beauty. My appearance is ... say, something acceptable...

  • Profound.I think few people can think of this.Too many people don't understand of linguistics.I can hear of some popular books about philosophy and psychology,but not about linguistics.I think, humanity and linguistics can but not only be considered practical tools of one's life.But it is not the most important.While China is rich enough ,more people will learn humanity and linguistics ,and do something they like.

    The Reflection about language education and other humanity subjects

    Think about the way we were taught during primary school and the other stages of fundam...

  • 你不是不喜欢古典音乐,只是还没开始喜欢它们


  • 提高逼格100招之「看片识曲」:电影中的经典古典音乐

    去年底,一个失眠夜晚,有幸翻开了多看阅读出品的《将古典入门进行到底》,于是,一边开着 kindle,一边用手机的虾米音乐找歌,戴着耳机,跟着作者的步伐,来了一场古典音乐的入门...

  • 推荐下我最近喜欢的古典音乐
