by T.S. Eliot I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope For hope would be hope...

by T.S. Eliot I said to my soul, be still, and wait without hope For hope would be hope...
I’m a total nerd. Not the usual kind people think of: computer scientists, engineers, p...
Congratulation ! I live in the new house formally . I am really exhausted today and I...
A friend came to my lodging and helped me move my house . Thank him very much . M...
Accidentally,3 months ago, I downloaded an app called Upwork and hoped that I could ...
I waked up at 8 this morning, it seems a little later compared with my former daily ...
Do you have a productive day today? Have you finish all your targets in your daytime?...
Last night I quarreled with my roommate who slept in the room opposite my bedroom, th...
Ten thousands steps a day keeps myself away . Why ? Because I am the doctor . I walke...