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今天是什么日子 起床: 就寝: 天气: 心情: 纪念日: 叫我起床的不是闹钟是梦想 年度目标及关键点: 本月重要成果: 今日三只青蛙/番茄钟 成功日志-记录三五件有收获的事务...
Today I had a meeting with a foreign colleague. She didn't prepare anything for this me...
简书全职业写作活动 “全职业写作活动”是简书2020年举办的线上同题写作活动。活动通过选取职业,举办限时写作活动,通过职业经历传达”身边的故事“理念。 活动时间 4月15日-...
“The isolated elderly: solitude and distance. How many elderly there are whose children...
Hallo aus dem Homeoffice, es mag dich überraschen, aber "Lebensmittel aus dem Vorratssc...
FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 2020 “There is another stone that often seals the heart shut: the sto...
Jesus is a specialist at turning our deaths into life, our mourning into dancing (cf. P...