240 发简信
  • 变得优秀

    当你足够优秀了,你就不会在意别人的看法,别人真的没有那么重要。 做自己就好 现在我终于知道为什么要感谢那些带给你痛苦的人。

  • 谢谢能遇见你,徐先生💓💓


  • 句子

    Do not know when, the formation of you on my hot I hot, you on my cold cold, in fact, j...

  • 生活趣事

    突然有点想分享自己的一个趣事 上大学的第一个学期,不是要选体育项目嘛。然后就看见了网球,我当时想了想,网球还挺好的,虽然自己没解触过,但应该还不错。然后开启了我的网球之旅,其...

  • 句子

    To be a promiscuous person, good, at least he won't get hurt. 做一个滥情的人,也挺好的,至少自己不会受伤。

  • 句子

    Now myself, see through others, but choose to be silent, just silently away from it. 现在...

  • 句子

    Once in order to retain you, exhausted all the courage, since then, no longer to who th...

  • 句子

    外人只看结果,过程自己苦撑。 ​ Outsiders see the results only, and the process itself suffers. ​ ​​​​...

  • 240

    I'm a great person.There's no need to be the episode of others' life. There's no need t...